Overcoming Vertigo: How Vestibular Rehabilitation Can Restore Your Balance and Quality of Life
Imagine this scenario: It’s a regular day. You wake up and get yourself out of bed and then all of a sudden, everything starts spinning around you. It feels like the ground has been taken away from under your feet. It lasts for about a minute and then settles. You are in shock. You have never felt this sensation before and you are nervous to move or drive in case this sensation comes on again. Every time you move your head, you get this strange sensation of spinning and dizziness. You don’t know what to do and feel scared and alone. You call a family member and they offer to drive you to the hospital. You’re unsure but take them up on their offer and head to the hospital.
The hospital checks you out and the doctors tell you it’s nothing serious. They diagnose you with vertigo, prescribe you some medication to help with the symptoms and then tell you to rest for the next few days. You follow their instructions, take the medication but you still feel like this sensation of spinning and dizziness is still there. Suddenly you don’t feel comfortable driving to work, you don’t want to bend down to pick up your toddler and are scared to do any movement with your neck in case it triggers the spinning again. You don’t understand how all of a sudden you could feel so unwell and unable to do any of your usual activities. You lie in bed wondering, what should I do? Who’s going to help me figure out what’s going on and help me feel better.
We hear these types of stories from our patients all the time.